Have you experienced back pain after a day out on the golf course? Or what about a long day of work after repeatedly twisting to one side? Even going for a long bike ride could be enough to set something off. You could be dealing with some quadratus lumborum (QL) pain. This post will go over where this muscle is in the body, why it can cause pain, and QL exercises and stretches to help get rid of your back pain.
**This is not medical advice. Please consult your medical provider for more information.

Anatomy of the Quadratus Lumborum
The quadratus lumborum is a muscle deep in the back. It attaches onto the iliac crest which is a portion of the pelvis. It also attaches onto the twelfth rib and transverse processes of the first four lumbar vertebrae. This muscle extends and side bends the trunk. It also helps stabilize the twelfth rib during inspiration.

What Causes QL Pain?
There are multiple reasons you may be feeling pain in the QL, whether on both sides or just one. When the QL muscle is strained, there is usually an injury or incident that occurs. Rotating your trunk quickly can sometimes lead to a quadratus lumborum strain. This results in the muscle becoming overly stretched. You will typically feel a sharp pain or pulling sensation deep in your back when this happens.
Another cause of pain in the QL is when the muscle gets tight or stiff. This can typically come from overuse of the muscle. Spending a day out on the driving range after a long time away from swinging a club can lead to an overuse injury like this.
QL Exercises
QL Stretching Exercises
Supine QL Stretch
Lie on your back with your knees bent. To stretch your left QL, hook your right ankle over your left knee. Allow gravity to gently pull your right knee to the right side until you feel a stretch in the left side of your low back. Hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat.
Standing QL Stretch
Stand with your right side closest to a wall. Cross your left leg over your right. Then reach your left arm up and over your head towards the wall. Think about elongating the left side of your trunk. This will stretch the left QL.
You can either perform repetitions of this or hold it for a longer stretch. Do what feels best for you. You can also repeat this on the right side.
Child’s Pose To Side
Start on your hands and knees. Rock your bottom back to your heels. This is your child’s pose.
Then reach your hands over to the right side. You should feel a stretch along the left side of your trunk. Reach to the right until you feel a comfortable stretch.
Hold this position for up to 30 seconds and repeat. Reach your hands over to the left to stretch the other side.
QL Strengthening Exercises
Resisted Trunk Rotation
Stand with a resistance band in your hands. The resistance band should be anchored to the left. Stand with your feet hip width apart and hold the band out in front of you in the center of your body.
Rotate your trunk to the right and slowly return back to the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions. Turn around and do the same thing by rotating your body to the left.
Standing Side Crunch
Stand and hold a weight in your left hand. You are going to side bend to your left. Allow the weight to pull you down to the left as far as you can comfortably go. You should feel a stretch along the right side of your body. Your lower body should not move.
Then pull your body back up to the starting position. You want to pull from the right side of your trunk as you lift the weight back up to a neutral standing position.
Perform 3 sets of 10 reps and repeat on the other side by switching the weight into the left hand.
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QL exercises that either stretch or strengthen the muscle can be beneficial for relieving deep back pain. Try out the provided exercises in this post to help out this commonly injured muscle.