While there is no one exercise that is best for the shoulder, there are a combination of shoulder rehab exercises that can work really well together. These 5 exercises target commonly weak muscles of the shoulder. They also help strengthen the shoulder for functional movements used in daily life. Give these shoulder rehab exercises a try to help alleviate shoulder pain or to help keep your shoulders functioning optimally.
**This is not medical advice. Please consult your medical provider for more information.

5 Shoulder Rehab Exercises:
Shoulder Complex Warm-up
This exercise can be performed without weight or with very light weight as it is a great exercise to warm-up the shoulders with. If using light weight, I would use 2.5-5lbs.
Start with your arms up at shoulder height, elbows bent to 90 degrees, and your palms facing the ground. Externally rotate your shoulders by lifting the back of your hands backwards as if you are going to backhand someone behind you. Once you reach the 90/90 position, then perform a shoulder press. You will lift your arms up straight towards the ceiling. Then, bring your arms back down to the 90/90 position and internally rotate your shoulders bringing your palms back to facing the ground. This brings you back to the starting position. Perform 20 repetitions.
Standing Resisted D2 Flexion
You will use a long resistance band for this exercise.
You can either hold the band in your left hand or stand on the resistance band with your left foot. Hold the resistance band in your right hand with your thumb turned in towards your body and your arm held slightly across your body. Lift your right arm upwards and out. Pretend you are going to toss a handful of confetti! Perform three sets of 10 reps. Repeat on the left side (make sure you stand on the resistance band with your right foot or hold the band with your right hand).
Resisted Dynamic ER Against Wall
Stand up next to a wall. The wall should be on the right side of your body. With the back of your hand pushing into the wall, lift your arm upwards towards the ceiling while maintaining the pressure into the wall with the back of your hand. You should feel the muscles working on the back side of your shoulder blade. Perform three sets of 10 and repeat on the opposite side.
Quadruped Marching
With a band around your wrists, begin on your hands and knees. Keep a slight bend in your elbows – your elbows should not be locked. Engage your muscles by ensuring your shoulder blades are held back and down as if you are trying to place them in your back pockets. With small movements with your arms, march in place. Your hands shoulder only be lifting up off the ground by about an inch or two. Try to keep your arms straight and avoid excessively bending your elbows (remember your elbows are still not locked out even though we are trying to keep them straight). Your goal is to keep constant tension into the resistance band as you are marching. March in place for 30 seconds, three times.
Foam Roll Bruegger Flexion
Place a resistance band loop around the back of your hands. You will start with a foam roll horizontally against the wall with your forearms against it holding it up. If you don’t have a foam roll, you can use a pillowcase or towel against the wall so it is easier for your arms to move up and down.
As in the previous exercise, maintain slight pressure into the resistance band. While maintaining pressure into the foam roll, roll your arms upwards and back down. Maintain the pressure into the resistance band the entire time, trying to keep your shoulders, elbows, and wrists in alignment. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps.
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Shoulder pain? Give these shoulder rehab exercises a try to strengthen commonly weak muscles that work synergistically together for optimal shoulder function!